

Pharaoh Tutorial


 General information  2
 Change interface language  3
 Key length  4
 Encrypt message  5
 Decrypt message  7
 Encrypt file  9
 Decrypt file  12
 Checksum   15
 Reliable file deletion  18
 Creating file with translation of program interface  20

General information

- Keys that must be specified on different encryption levels same thing as that password (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numeric characters, special characters, generally as usual)
- Keys of all enabled levels need to specify
- Vector, additional parameter needed for encryption. Vectors selected or automatically (00: Auto), or manually (manually, it is safer)
- Than more will be enabled encryption levels, the harder it is to decrypt data without key (password) to third parties (those who intercepted them or stole)

Parameters for the decryption must be EXACTLY THE SAME as the parameters for encryption
The point is that keys (passwords) not transmitted over the network in any kind, and program does not save them
Keys (passwords) have only those who encrypt data and those who decrypt them
So without knowing of keys parameters, data is almost impossible to decrypt

By "almost impossible" is mean the following (for 128-bit key):
1) Possible one key combination: 3.4x10^38
2) Time required to find key: 1.02x10^18 years
For example, if we take a trillion machines, each of which is capable of processing a billion combinations per second, it will require 2 billion years to find the key
And this is only for one level of encryption

Accordingly, if you forget AT LEAST ONE encryption parameter, data will be lost
Program DOES NOT SAVE keys (passwords) and DOES NOT REMEMBER selected vectors!

When encrypting files, before you delete file that was encrypted:
1) Decrypt encrypted file
2) Use button "Checksum", which is located in main "Menu", check up identity of original source and decrypted files
3) If files are identical, hence encryption and decryption passed without problems
Decrypted file can be removed. And if necessary, original source file can also be removed if you want to left only encrypted file
How to use "Checksum", see below

Change interface language

1) Select appropriate language in list
2) Button "Change"

Key length

The larger key, the more secure the encrypted data
 - data encrypted by 128-bit key cannot be decrypted by 256-bit key
 - data encrypted by 256-bit key cannot be decrypted by 128-bit key
There are two versions of program:
 - only uses 128-bit key
 - uses and 128-bit key and 256-bit key
The program automatically determines key length
Accordingly, data that have been encrypted by 128-bit key, can decrypt any program version
But data that have been encrypted by 256-bit key, can decrypt program that supports encryption of 256-bit key. Those, program uses only 128-bit key this data will not be able to decrypt

Encrypt message

1) Click on tab "Text", if it is not active
2) Click on radio button "Encrypt", if it is not selected
3) Enter or paste message which will be encrypted
4) Set encryption parameters:
 a) select an acceptable amount of encryption levels
 b) enter keys (passwords) for enabled levels
 c) select vectors for enabled levels, or let the program do it (select manually secure)
5) Button "Encrypt"
If a button not active, you must accept the terms of use
Message encrypted
Result of encryption can be transmitted by e-mail, instant messaging programs, chat rooms, forums, etc.

Decrypt message

1) Click on tab "Text", if it is not active
2) Click on radio button "Decrypt", if it is not selected
3) Enter or paste message which will be decrypted
4) Specify EXACT SAME parameters that were used to encrypt the message
 Should be enabled as much levels of encryption, as was enabled at encrypting messages. Select the same vectors. And specify SAME keys (passwords)
 If AT LEAST ONE decryption parameter is not match the encryption parameters, program will not be able to decrypt data
5) Button "Decrypt"
If a button not active, you must accept the terms of use
Message decrypted

Encrypt file

1) Click on tab "File", if it is not active
2) Click on radio button "Encrypt", if it is not selected
3) Specify file you want to encrypt
 а) or by simply pasting file path in text field
 б) or using button "Source". In window that appears, select needed file
4) Specify name and path of new file in which will be written result of encryption
 а) or by simply pasting path and name of a new file in a text field

 б) or by using button "Result". In window that appears, select directory and enter name
5) Set encryption parameters:
 a) select an acceptable amount of encryption levels
 b) enter keys (passwords) for enabled levels
 c) select vectors for enabled levels, or let the program do it (select manually secure)
6) Button "Encrypt"
If a button not active, you must accept the terms of use
File encrypted

Decrypt file

1) Click on tab "File", if it is not active
2) Click on radio button "Decrypt", if it is not selected
3) Specify an encrypted file that you want decrypted
 а) or by simply pasting file path in text field
 б) or using button "Source". In window that appears, select needed file
4) Specify name and path of new file in which will be written result of decryption
 а) or by simply pasting path and name of a new file in a text field
 б) or by using button "Result". In window that appears, select directory and enter name
5) Specify EXACT SAME parameters that were used to encrypt the file
 Should be enabled as much levels of encryption, as was enabled at encrypting messages. Select the same vectors. And specify SAME keys (passwords)
 If AT LEAST ONE decryption parameter is not match the encryption parameters, program will not be able to decrypt data
6) Button "Decrypt"
If a button not active, you must accept the terms of use
File decrypted


1) In "Menu", choose item "Checksum"
2) Specify original source file, which was encrypted:
 a) or by simply pasting file path in text field
 b) or using button "Source". In window that appears, select needed file
3) Specify decrypted file, which was created by decrypting of encrypted file:
 a) or by simply pasting file path in text field
 b) or using button "Result". In window that appears, select needed file
4) Button "Check Up"
5) After verification files will be
 а) or identical
 б) or not identical
If files identical, and encryption and decryption was successful. Decrypted file can be removed. And if necessary, you can remove original source file, if you want to left only encrypted file

Reliable file deletion

Selected file will be overwritten by random bytes and removed. It makes impossible to further recovery
1) In "Menu", choose item "Erase file"
2) Specify file you want to securely delete:
 а) or by simply pasting file path in text field
 б) or using button "View". In window that appears, select needed file
3) Choose reliability delete data - how many rewriting cycles will be carried out
 The more cycles is selected, then file will be more reliably removed
4) Button "Erase"
If button is not active, you must agree that you realize that file will be irrecoverably deleted
The file was overwritten and deleted

Creating file with translation of program interface

In "lng" directory contained translations of program interface into different languages. In standard assembly exist 4 files:
- eng.txt – file with English translation of program interface
- eng_tutorial.txt – tutorial in English
- rus.txt – with Russian translation of program interface
- rus_tutorial.txt – tutorial in Russian

To create a translation into another language need to:
1) Choose language that will be easier to translate (eg English)
2) Copy two files of selected language
 - eng.txt
 - eng_tutorial.txt
3) Rename copied files to new language (eg, Chinese)
 - zho.txt
 - zho_tutorial.txt
4) Translate files

Help file - plain text, does not having specific syntax

File with translation of program interface has following syntax
First line contains full name of language (eg English)
In new language file, need to replace on respective by full name of language

Next come lines with message number, and message directly
1000 = Tutorial
Translate, in this case, it is necessary only that on right side, located after sign "="
1000 = 信息

When necessary files will be created, program will automatically add new language to list of supported languages

Detailed information about all existing versions